Optimale Regeneration durch die richtigen Nährstoffe
Ob Marathon oder andere Ausdauersportarten - gute Regeneration ist der Schlüssel für optimale Leistung, gesunde Erholung des Körpers und Vermeidung von Verletzungen.
Die Marathons in Zürich, London und Düsseldorf stehen Ende April an. Hier sind einige Empfehlungen hinsichtlich Nährstoffen die Sie beachten sollten, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie sich so effektiv wie möglich erholen.
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Are you doing everything you can to support your marathon recovery?
With the Zürich, London and Düsseldorf marathon fast approaching at the end of April, here are a few recovery tips to consider to ensure you are recovering as effectively as you can:
- Try to consume 20-30g of protein, with carbohydrates, as soon as possible after the marathon has finished to support muscle glycogen synthesis. Branch chain amino acids decrease during exercise. Whey protein contains a high concentration of these amino acids, especially L-leucine, which stimulates protein synthesis and muscle repair
- Rehydrate - Water is the quintessential substance for cellular reactions and is the fundamental facilitator of thermal equilibrium in cells. Sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus repletion is advised following intense activity
- Rest – Make sure you allow your body sufficient time to rest after long-run prep sessions and the fact itself before doing any more exercise, at least 1 day, to prevent overtraining syndrome
There are also some specific nutrients to consider supplementing or increasing in your diet to further speed up your recovery. It is important to provide extra amounts these nutrients to your body not just right before and after the race, but ideally medium-term leading up to it (hence, if you have not done so, start now) and also during periods of heavy training:
- Magnesium can reduce muscle cramps and insomnia, promote protein synthesis, and protect against oxidative stress
- Zinc supports muscle repair, immunity and muscle strength
- Omega 3 fatty acids can decrease inflammatory aspects of overtraining, help prevent muscle-wasting and increase emotional well-being. Flavonoids such as those found in grapeseed or cherry extracts can also modulate inflammation reduce oxidative stress, and aid muscle recovery after exercise.
- Vitamin D and Vitamin C can also support reducing inflammation and may aid recovery from injury via supporting muscle repair. It can also increase muscle mass by potentiating leucine and insulin in activating protein synthesis.
- Probiotics could also be beneficial for recovery and have been proven beneficial for improving digestive functioning in marathon runners and reducing the risk of infection.
For a full reference list with links to the article we refer you to our partners BioCare
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