«White paper» zu Ernährung im Kontext von COVID-19
Vor dem Hintergrund der aktuellen Lage wurde die Bedeutung einer gesundheitsförderlichen Ernährungsweise in einer Zusammenarbeit mit renommierten Wissenschaftlern evaluiert.
Das resultierende White Paper beleuchtet besonders die Rolle ausgewählter Mikronährstoffe in Hinblick auf COVID-19 und formuliert einzelne Vorschläge zur Unterstützung eines funktionierenden Immunsystems. Das Paper ist in Kooperation mit der SGE entstanden.
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Read full summary in english

A White Paper was developed by an Expert Panel («the Panel») in cooperation with the Swiss Society of Nutrition and Prof. Manfred Eggersdorfer to review the scientific evidence on the role of micronutrients in supporting a well-functioning immune system for optimal health, with special focus on viral infections. The paper covers the following topics and can be downloaded in full through links below:
- Coronavirus pandemic: situation in Switzerland
- Immune system as the «body’s first line of defense» and role of lifestyle with focus on nutrition and especially micronutrients and omega-3 fatty acids
- Nutritional status of the Swiss population
- Recommendation of the expert panel for a well-balanced diet and suggestion for an optimal nutrient status
- A comprehensive approach for health in the Swiss population
Recommendation of the expert panel for a well-balanced diet and suggestion for an optimal nutrient status
The Panel was clear that we are presently in a special and urgent situation because of the coronavirus pandemic. Data indicate that the Swiss population and in particular adults age 65 and older are at risk for suboptimal, inadequate or even deficient status for a number of nutrients that support our immune response, especially vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids and selenium. The «crisis» requires prompt action to secure adequate nutrient status and replenish nutrient stores fast, which can only be achieved by complementing a well-balanced diet.Given the importance of adequate supply with micronutrients as well as omega-3 fatty acids, the following recommendations to support the immune system were made.
Recommendation for a well-balanced diet
The Panel agreed to stress the recommendation to follow a well-balanced diet; this should be the first recommendation. However, to change nutritional habits on a population level is a difficult and long lasting endeavor and does not correspond to the urgency of a pandemic. Furthermore an optimal nutritional status is often not achieved without a complement.
Therefore the Panel recommends a complement that should be added to the diet and fill the nutrient gap for the general population and especially for the adults age 65 and older. This complement is targeted to strengthen the immune system and has the following nutrients composition:
Vitamin C: Supplementation with 200 mg/day is recommended.
Vitamin D: 2000 IU (50 μg) per person and day; this is higher than the daily recommended intake (DRI = 800 IU) because this dose has demonstrated to reduce risk for respiratory tract infections (Martineau 2019). The dose is well within the safety range as the Upper Limit (UL) for vitamin D is 4000 IU/day and person.
DHA and EPA: recommendation is 500 mg DHA and EPA per person and day to reduce inflammation risks.
Selenium: 50 -100 μg per person and day as the Swiss population is low in selenium alike other European populations.
Zinc: 10 mg per person and day as the Swiss population is low in zinc
nourishme product recommendations:
We offer all recommended supplements in optimal dosage and delivery form from our partners BioCare.
Consumers can order through our online shop www.nourishme.ch/shop
We have also put together three product sets for your convenience based on these recommendations: COVID Set Basic, COVID Set Premium and COVID Set Premium Plus.
We are the exclusive distribution partner for BioCare in Switzerland. Resellers can approach us via mail: info@nourishme.ch
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